Please don’t smoke the gelato

Nope, it doesn’t matter how much you eat, you will explode before feeling any other effects. The infamous hemp seed. Although it belongs to the same genus, Cannabis, it contains only minute amounts of the psychoactive chemicals that are contained in its sister plant, which people usually use to alter their consciousness. So what’s the point, you ask? Well, the hemp seed carries a wonderful nutty, buttery flavor that goes really well with banana. First we craft a rich creamy gelato made with fresh bananas, sugar and local, hormone-free milk and cream. We then toast the hemp seeds with butter, brown sugar and a nip of vietnamese cinnamon. As the banana gelato falls from the machine, we fold in the crunchy hemp seed prailine throughout. So, that’s what we’re doing with it. We figure it’s a nice way to welcome the fall and bid our adieus to the summer, with warm toasty hemp seeds. So, come on by, pull up a chair and let us know what you think.

– los dolcezitos

note: hemp seed is legally grown and sold in canada and the european union. although not legally grown in the states, it can be purchased for the making of food, clothes, soaps, etc.