You know, no matter if it is our barrio back home of Adams Morgan or our barrio abroad of Palermo, we love to find those joints which we can walk to in the morning for our coffee and in the evening for good food. There has to be ambiance, good prices and obviously good food & coffee. Back in DC, our neighborhood cafe is the venerable Tryst. Any days off that we have from the shop, we go to burrow ourselves into an old couch, sip good coffee and get lost in a good piece of literature. Our go to cafe here in Buenos Aires is Oui Oui. It is a cute little cafe that has an amazing selection of pastries and pretty decent coffee. It took me awhile to find a coffee that I liked, but I finally settled on ´cafe con crema´ and now I don´t stray from it very often. It´s a couple of minutes from our apartment and fulfills what we need in the morning, when we can actually get up early enough to enjoy our desayuno. Most nights we don´t get to bed before 4am down here, it reminds me of my schedule back in the days when i haunted the engineering halls of Georgia Tech, what a weird fucking phase that was. Anyways, for our evenings, say around 11pm, when we feel like getting something good to eat, we have found a place called Las Cabras. The sign on the menu says ¨cacerola horno & leña¨, which roughly translates to ¨casserole wood burning oven¨, which for me is what food is all about: wood burning oven, wood burning grill and simple unadulterated ingredients, ´comida de campo´, as it is called down here. Las Cabras is about a 5 minute walk from our apartment and has a huge outdoor seating area with an open kitchen, where you can see the two tier wood burning grill and the domed wood burning oven. The place is always packed, no matter if you arrive at 12 noon or 12 midnight. They have meat and entrails off the grill, fresh salads and all kinds of plates cooked in the wood burning oven. Charred, smoky and hot, it reminds me alot of Buenos Aires, charred, smoky and hot, how else would you want your life to be.