Every week or two, we’ll be using the blog to reacquaint you with some familiar faces: our baristas. Find out how they got into this mess in the first place and more. We’re moving on to round seven with Victoria Smith.

Name: Victoria Louise Smith
Store: Fairfax/Mom & Pop
Years with Dolcezza: I’ve been with Dolcezza for 10 months.
How do you take your coffee? Black for a pour over, but iced dulce de leche is my weakness.

What made you want to work for Dolcezza? I really wanted to work for a company I truly enjoyed. During the spring and summertime I worked several farmer’s markets. It was cool to see first hand where our ingredients came from, and to see that people love our gelato so much they would eat it for breakfast on a Sunday morning. I love that I work with people I consider my friends and that we’re all working towards the same goal, to provide a great product we all believe in, in a fun environment.

What do you do when you’re not at work? I eat burgers, I collect coffee mugs, I write, and hope people find it funny, or somewhat amusing. I go out dancing on Sunday nights, and I am currently rewatching Lost on Netflix.
Favorite coffee region: Mexico
Affogato of choice: Sweet Potato Pecan Praline, at the moment.

Favorite music to play at work: Future Islands!! Or anything I can dance to…
Funniest/weirdest Dolcezza story: Well there’s a ghost in our store. She’s not scary or anything but, she likes to break things. Pretty sure she finds it funny.